Fully Brushed Aluminium Glock Sticker

Fully Brushed Aluminium Glock Sticker


Technically it’s the .40cal G23 but this Glock sticker is for all fans.

Only 10 left in stock

SKU: G23-ALU-VAR2 Categories: , ,


Love them or hate them, this is a brushed aluminium sticker of the compact pistol. This variant is fully brushed aluminium with a darker slide, which just so happens to look a bit like 3D print filament…

  • Premium quality brushed aluminium sticker
  • Approximately 72 x 50 mm in size
  • Permanent adhesive
  • Laminated with UV screening to protect it from the weather and sunlight
  • 2-4 year outdoor life

Additional information

Weight 0.6 g
Dimensions 72 × 50 mm
Brushed Aluminium Slide Glock StickerGlock StickerLee Enfield StickerMetallic Metalwork No.4 (T) Lee Enfield Sticker

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