Fully Metallic No.4 (T) Lee Enfield Sticker

Fully Metallic No.4 (T) Lee Enfield Sticker


Timeless classic.

Original price was: £8.40.Current price is: £7.50.

In stock

SKU: NO4-MIR-VAR2 Categories: , ,


The classic almost everyone wants but… most can’t afford – that’s what your wife tells you anyway. So, treat yourself to a mini version to spruce up that boring black case.

This is a fully metallic sticker with a sheen throughout the metalwork and woodwork, ready for you to scuff to your liking.

  • Premium quality metallic film sticker
  • Approximately 123 x 30 mm in size
  • Permanent adhesive
  • Laminated with UV screening to protect it from the weather and sunlight
  • 2-4 year outdoor life


Additional information

Weight 0.45 g
Dimensions 123 × 30 mm
Metallic Metalwork No.4 (T) Lee Enfield StickerLee Enfield StickerMatte MP5 Sticker

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Not Sam’s and Chuck’s though, they like their privacy.


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